2017 Uganda Missionaries


The “Pearl of Africa”, as Uganda was called by Winston Churchill will be our first mission for 2017.  It is a beautiful country and the People are both beautiful and ready to receive.

GOD has allowed Mt. Gilead to go back to this great Country.  We had our first mission trip there 20 years ago and GOD is still moving as we reach out to the people.

Uganda is currently experiencing famine and our mission is to go and distribute the love of GOD through food and hope.

Please pray for this Team as each of them returns to share the love of GOD.


This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Juan Fernandez

    The Fernandez family is praying that God will do exceeding abundantly through the team in Uganda. We will be lifting you all up daily.

  2. Elder Derrick Maye

    Praise GOD!!!! The team has arrived safely in Brussels. To GOD be ALL the glory!!!!

  3. Elder Derrick Maye

    The team has arrived safely in Uganda, and was transported safely to our hotel. To GOD be the glory!!!

    1. Tory Maye


  4. Mrs Patrice Maye

    We Praise GOD! For the safe arrival of The 2017 Uganda Missionaries! Hallelujah!

    Remembering to cover Team: Fearless, Focus and Fortified in prayer!


  5. Min. Maria Smith

    The Angels had already prepared their way, waiting for their arrival. Give God the Glory!!

  6. Paulette Nowell

    Praise God!

  7. Kevin & Kim White

    We are in agreement that God will use you mightly to touch Uganda. Be “Fearless”.

  8. Jessica Evans

    Praise God! I’m so excited for what God is going to do in Uganda! Keeping yall in my prayers.

  9. Pamela Mosley

    6) I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. 9 For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building. NTL

  10. N The Town of Soroti

    The Team has arrived safely in their individual places of service. Everyone was received well upon arrival. Praise GOD for the opportunity to serve in whatever capacity. Food Distribution will be taking place in each city. GOd You are ever faithful in your delivering of your Children….Multiplication and increase. Blessings From the Beautiful Country of Uganda ??

  11. The Town of Soroti

    The Team has arrived safely in their individual places of service. Everyone was received well upon arrival. Praise GOD for the opportunity to serve in whatever capacity. Food Distribution will be taking place in each city today. GOd You are ever faithful in your delivering of your Children and are concerned about All..Multiplication and increase. Blessings From the Beautiful Country of Uganda ??

  12. The Town of Soroti

    What A beautiful day to see GOD’s glory on display. We woke up this morning had breakfast and proceeded to our first assignment of going to a village where multiple villages came together to receive the blessings from GOD in the form of poscho which is a very fine form of corn meal. It is a staple food and the people were much thankful. The Word given was simply our GOD provides. As He did with the widow and the oil and the five thousand with bread and fish he has and will do it for them. Our second assignment was to visit a children’s hospital. We toured the children’s ward and a Word was given to the guardians that were in place that they should serve a big big GOD who has a big big heart towards them. So much so that He sent people from the US to share food with them. Praise God for another day to show we have been blessed to be a blessing.

  13. CoPastor

    Nothing shall stop this mighty moving force! Signs, wonders, and miracles shall prevail in Massive Production!

  14. Elder Ricky Flowers

    Elder Ricky Flowers, the Country of Uganda will NEVER be the same. The RAIN has arrived. I truly believe that not only Spiritual Water will fall. But also Natural Rain will come because of who has landed. To GOD be the Glory!!! for ALL HE has DONE and GOING to do.

  15. Elder Derrick Maye

    Hello everyone. The LORD is dong great things in the city of Lira. Bishop has been ministering to the people about GIVING. It has been amazing to see TRUTH confronting, and driving out error.
    On Wednesday afternoon, we visited a school that has over 1,000 students. The LORD used Rev. Gerald Robinson, Rev. Shirley Wilkins and Min. Cathy White to share with the students, and three came forward to receive JESUS!!!!!!
    Continue to cover the team in prayer, as the work is great. To GOD be the glory for what HE’s done!!!!!

  16. The Town of Soroti

    Today we went to two feeding centers and distributed more posho. These Again were those designated in the area to receive. In each area those that received were very grateful. To hear the African squeal of excitement,along with their praise and worship unto GOD before and after they received is a humbling experience. They have known GOD these last two days and have been encouraged to continue.

  17. Kimberly Evans

    Praise God!!! Im always excited when I hear what God is doing and about to do. I thank you all for continuously answering the call to serve. Be blessed Team Fearless!

  18. Leslie Belfield

    Bless God for all that HE is doing in Uganda! Lives will be transformed and the people of Uganda and the Missionary Team will never be the same. Watch GOD work! He is faithful to do just what He said!

  19. Laurie Thomas

    Continue to Trust Him!!!! It is already done!!!!!

  20. Elder Nancine

    Bless God for His Mighty Spirit within this Team, as well as, the Nation of Uganda.

    Saturate Father with Your Spirit in an outpouring of “Greater Expectations and Greater Manifestations!”!

  21. Min. Lucy Lambert

    Glory to God for the great things He is doing. Grateful for the team He set in place for such a time as this. His promises are Yeah and Amen.

  22. Elder Derrick Maye

    Greetings from Lira. Today we distributed food to an organization that assists the disabled. These include people who are blind or deaf. GOD strategically sent us to individuals who were the most disadvantaged.
    Pastor Julian Dangerfield blessed the food, while the team members laid hands on the bags containing said food. We know our GOD is able to Multiply and Increase the food in JESUS’ name.
    Lastly, through a collaborative effort with the local pastors, 126 souls have been added to the Kingdom. These manifestations of salvation occurred during the community evangelism outreach. To GOD be the GLORY for the great things HE continues to do!!!!!

  23. Chiquita Burroughs

    Praise be to GOD for all the great things HE is doing in Uganda through you and in the people! Thank you so much for the updates, we are rejoicing and praising GOD as HE is moving mightily! Love you all and continuing to hold you up in prayer!

  24. Chiquita Burroughs

    Is there anything too hard for our GOD!! Absolutely not!! Hallelujah!! Glory to GOD!! Souls added to the Kingdom!! Multiplied blessings, HOLY GHOST you are Awesome! To GOD Be All the Glory, Honor and Praise!!

  25. Min Abraham

    Elijah Prays for Rain

    41Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go get something to eat and drink, for I hear a mighty rainstorm coming!”

    42So Ahab went to eat and drink. But Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees.

    43Then he said to his servant, “Go and look out toward the sea.”

    The servant went and looked, then returned to Elijah and said, “I didn’t see anything.”

    Seven times Elijah told him to go and look. 44Finally the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.”

    Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, ‘Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!’”

    45And soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm, and Ahab left quickly for Jezreel. 46Then the lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.

  26. Amie Carter

    Praise God for the massive production taking place in Uganda!!! Thanks for keeping us posted. May His supernatural energy and supernatural rest continue to overflow. Prayers are going up!!!

  27. The Town of Soroti

    #2017 Uganda Praise The Lord!!!God is ever working in the lives of man: Pastor Joseph and I were just talking about how Henrietta our hen was not protecting her chicks and he was going to give her another chance. If she still did not act right he would sell her. So what happens when the GOD above all GOD’s gives the Team in two separate locations hens as an offering … My GOD!!! Pastor Julian goes down the road and asked Pastor Joseph about green oranges; possibly at the same time people from one of the towns we visited yesterday gave us oranges to take home with us. Pastor Julian has his oranges. Won’t GOD do it!!!! You don’t have to answer He Did It!!!

    An awesome day in a Pastors and Leaders Conference:: topics discussed were “Is there mental illness in the church”, “The Church is a Counseling Center”, Training Leaders to be Effective Leaders” and How To Teach Children Effectively in the Church”. Those that attended enjoyed and took to heart what they heard. They have requested resources.

  28. The Town of Soroti

    This morning we met with the Leadership in The Soroti Pastor’s and Elders Fellowship. Just as their people have suffered, they also are experiencing the affects of the drought. They were given a bag of posho in thanks for their hard work in serving the people over the last 20 years.

  29. Coach Giles and Family

    Also at that time, people will say, Look at what’s happened! This is our God! We waited for Him and He showed up and saved us! This God, the one we waited for! Let’s celebrate, sing the joys of His salvation. God’s hand rest on this mountain!
    Isaiah 25:9-10, Message Bible.

    Peace and Blessings

  30. Sophiea Hart

    The Desert and the parched land will be glad: the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. It will burst into bloom; It will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. They will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.
    Isaiah 35: 1-10, NIV They will singing everlasting joy. The atmosphere is open.

    Be Strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might.

  31. Tondrea Giles

    Praise God! For all he is doing in Uganda ?? Miracles, Signs and Wonders happening in Uganda to God Be the Glory!

  32. Wendy Brooks

    What a MIGHTY GOD we serve! Continuing to keep the entire team lifted in prayer. Uganda shall begin to see Massive Production because you were there to answer the Lord’s call to “Go Ye therefore.” As you have abundantly poured out to serve and love on God’s children for this mission, it is my prayer that each of you shall be fully renewed, refreshed, and restored to overflowing in every area in Jesus Name! Amen!

  33. Elder Derrick Maye

    Hello all. Today the teams from Lira and Mbale arrived in Siroti, to celebrate Shalom’s 20th Anniversary in Uganda. It was a wonderful time, filled with praise and adoration to our GOD. Several alumni were acknowledged for their faithful support, and partnership with Shalom. Pastor Julian Dangerfield preached a POWERFUL, POWERFUL message entitled “Another Touch From The LORD”!!!! The GLORY of GOD was tangibly present, as Pastor Julian inspired everyone to receive “Another Touch”!!
    Lastly, the final “Souls Won” tally for Lira is 191. What a Mighty GOD we serve!!!
    The team departs for Kampala in the morning. Please continue to pray. GOD bless!!

  34. Pastor Janice Bishop

    Blessings Uganda Team. Praying Gods finishing anointimg over you. That you will be strengthened in the power and might of God.
    Thank you for your labor, it is not in vain.
    The rain , reign, is coming. Tangible water for the glory of God.

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