Honor Roll Recognition
Each year, Mt. Gilead FGIM honors students K-12 who maintain academic excellence throughout the school year. If the student would like to participate in our awards ceremony, they must present their report card and also meet our honor roll requirements. (below)
We also recognize high school and college graduates. (Must present copy of diploma)Report cards will be reviewed immediately after services at Mt.Gilead FGIM in room 101. We will check report cards for the (2016-17) school year on the following dates:
Q1: November 20th & 27th
Q2: March 12th & 19th
Q3: May 14th & 21st
Q4: July 9th & 16th
Honor Roll Requirements (2016-2017 School Year)
To participate in Mt.Gilead’s Honor Roll recognition, the student must meet the following requirements:
Grades K-8 (Elementary and Middle School)
*A grade point average of 3.0 qualifies a student for honor roll recognition.
*Any Ds or Fs (Ms, Ns) will make the student automatically ineligible to receive Honor Roll recognition. (This includes conduct and elective classes.)
*Grades K-8 report cards must meet these requirements for EACH QUARTER
Grades 9-12 (High School)
*A grade point average of 3.0 qualifies a student for honor roll recognition.
*Any Ds or Fs (Ms, Ns) will make the student automatically ineligible to receive Honor Roll recognition.
*Grades 9-12 report cards must meet these requirements for BOTH SEMESTERS
Young CEO Scholarship
Click Here: http://youngceoscholarship.weebly.com
Service times:
9:00 AM & 11:30 AM
7:00 PM
Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804-675-7600
Email: info@mtgileadfgim.org