Brazil 2016 Missionaries


Brazil is known for its great 92 foot high statue of Christ the Redeemer. We have a Team that is going forth to spread the Apostolic message that GOD is not a GOD made with hands, but one who continually reigns over nations and in the hearts of People. This Country will experience the fires of revival and refreshing as the Team goes forth in the power of Holy Spirit. The people will experience the Life Giving Word as Heaven Comes To Earth and all that are touched will be changed in Jesus’ Name.

New Update: July 18th, 2016 – Praise God!! The 2016 Brazil Mission Team has arrived safely!! We are at the airport getting ready to travel to our hotels!! We Thank Our God

New Update: July 19th, 2016 –

Greetings All,

In the way of update, the team went into several directions today. One team went to a Favela, which is a slum, and ministered to people through providing food and clothing for them. While they were there, they prayed for a woman who had a cancerous growth.

After they left serving in the Favela, they joined the other team, wherein we ministered at a church. After the service, we were informed that the woman who had a cancerous growth went to a doctor who said that no lumps showed up on her CAT scan. The Cancer was gone!

Meanwhile, the other team served at a halfway house wherein 20 men are disciplined for 7 months as they fight to get off heavy drug.

We worshipped together this evening; one team member led us in worship while another team member preached the Word.

We finished the day in a wonderful service with one of the Shalom partner churches and an elder on the team brought the Word. We were blessed to close the day feeling that we had a great day doing Kingdom building work.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us.


Pastor Julian Dangerfield
Shalom Outreach Ministries

New Update: July 21st

Brazil ???has been absolutely amazing. God is doing a mighty work over here. Check my Brazil 2016 album for up-to-date photos/videos (posting every night)

I had the opportunity to minister at Pastor Josué Candido Eduardo church in São Paulo last night. I taught on: “New, Fresh, Haven’t Seen Anything Like it yet.” God used me to begin a revival in the hearts of the body of Christ. He’s calling His sons and daughters back to Him. In the audience, the United States was being represented (us), Brazil of course, and Argentina. It was like Heaven. We begin to take back our nations. The night ended in crazy worship mind blowing worship. God is doing something fresh in this land, Argentina, and in United States. We are marking this day as Heaven on Earth! Heaven came!



This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Elder Gail Outlaw (ALCOD)

    Well God has done it again! You all answer the call to evangelize and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you as you share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May the hand of the Lord always be with you all and may you all do great exploits as you do Kingdom business. May the Lord God give you all sweet rest and may you all arise with dunamus power In the name of the Lord Jesus !

  2. The Tylers

    WE are on the road to D.C. This Missionary Team from Mt. Gilead Full Gospel International Ministries will perform Miracles, Signs, and Wonders all for the Glory of God! They Will bring people into the Kingdom of God!!!

  3. CoPastor

    My thoughts and prayers are with you team Brazil! The kingdom of God is within and at hand! Let your light so shine!

  4. Kishia Yancy

    Great Morning Family! – Delays are strategic and divine , your travels and pathways already purposed and made clear. Rest well in the Father ! Love you.(Ps. 91.1)

  5. Rev. Doris Crews

    Greetings Prayer Warriors,

    Our God is in CONTROL!!!

    The team departed for their assignment in Brazil this morning excited about how The Lord is going to use them. We ask that you continue to lift them before The Lord.

    As we receive updates, we will pass them onto you. We thank God for the leadership of Pastor Julian Dangerfield, Executive Director, Shalom Outreach, Inc. Please pray for him

    Have a Super Day!

    Rev. Crews

    1. Wendy Brooks

      Interceding for the entire team and lifting up Pastor Julian! Glory be to God!

  6. Pat Payne

    The Brazil Team has landed!!!

  7. Tanicka Stokes

    Praise God!! The 2016 Brazil Mission Team has arrived safely!! We are at the airport getting ready to travel to our hotels!! We Thank Our God

  8. Tony and Tyrian Tyler

    Praise God!! You are in position and Heaven is with you. Lead God’s people and conquer the enemy’s little kingdom of darkness. Let your light shine as the Glory rises within and all around you. You have the victory and you can’t be stopped. Go forth with Holy boldness as you are vessels carrying the torch that brings Life, Healing, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, and Deliverance in Abundance!

  9. Latrice Wilson

    Glory to God! Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!

  10. Josandra Faniel

    Prayers are being lifted for you Team Brazil. We know God is going to do a mighty work through you!!

  11. Wendy Brooks

    Brazil Team- Go forth and be who God has called, anointed, and appointed each of you to be. Carry the Light, Love, and Living Hope of Jesus everywhere you go! We are continuing to pray for each of you…..just flow!!!!

  12. Jackie Robinson

    Hallelujah! Be open; allow God to use you in a mighty way. Your are His workmanship; allow Him to work through you. Fear not because God is with you. Do things that you have never done before: sing, dance, preach, teach, prophesy…

  13. Amie Carter

    We’ve got you all covered in prayer!! Let your light shine and be open to how the Holy Spirit may speak to you during this trip. Expect the FRESH!!!! God is doing some amazing things in you and through you!

  14. Chiquita Burroughs

    We are praying for you 2016 Brazil Missionaries! Kingdom Carriers, manifesting the Kingdom every where you go, with a FRESH anointing!

  15. Elder Gail Outlaw (ALCOD)

    Hello Brazil team praying that your day has gone well and that many have felt the love of Christ our Savior through your acts of kindness as you spread the Gospel. May the Lord peace be upon you all as you rest tonight and gear up for tomorrow.

  16. Pastor Julian Dangerfield - Shalom Outreach Ministries

    Greetings All,

    In the way of update, the team went into several directions today. One team went to a Favela, which is a slum, and ministered to people through providing food and clothing for them. While they were there, they prayed for a woman who had a cancerous growth.

    After they left serving in the Favela, they joined the other team, wherein we ministered at a church. After the service, we were informed that the woman who had a cancerous growth went to a doctor who said that no lumps showed up on her CAT scan. The Cancer was gone!

    Meanwhile, the other team served at a halfway house wherein 20 men are disciplined for 7 months as they fight to get off heavy drug.

    We worshipped together this evening; one team member led us in worship while another team member preached the Word.

    We finished the day in a wonderful service with one of the Shalom partner churches and an elder on the team brought the Word. We were blessed to close the day feeling that we had a great day doing Kingdom building work.

    Thank you for continuing to pray for us.


  17. Pastor Janice Bishop

    Team Brazil you have been hand picked by God to bring change in the lives of many. The harvest is waiting for your sweet anointed spirits to be loosed. I am praying for you by name that you will experience.miracles, signs, and wonders. Lean on God and let him flow, you have the tools.

  18. Nancine Dreon

    Praise God for the Victories in Taking of Territories for The Kingdom of God!!!

  19. Kyia Hopkins

    Brazil ???has been absolutely amazing. God is doing a mighty work over here. Check my Brazil 2016 album for up-to-date photos/videos (posting every night)

    I had the opportunity to minister at Pastor Josué Candido Eduardo church in São Paulo last night. I taught on: “New, Fresh, Haven’t Seen Anything Like it yet.” God used me to begin a revival in the hearts of the body of Christ. He’s calling His sons and daughters back to Him. In the audience, the United States was being represented (us), Brazil of course, and Argentina. It was like Heaven. We begin to take back our nations. The night ended in crazy worship mind blowing worship. God is doing something fresh in this land, Argentina, and in United States. We are marking this day as Heaven on Earth! Heaven came!

  20. Gaye England

    Prayers for my family !

  21. Ashaunti Nelson

    Let your light continue to shine! Keep pushing through this last stretch! We love you family and are covering you in prayer. #TeamBrazil

  22. Melinda Woods

    We continue to pray for this team!! Thank God for using each of you mightily!

  23. Elder Gail Outlaw (ALCOD)

    Good morning Brazil team praise God from whom all blessings flow! Wow another victory for the Kingdom of God let us make a boast in the Lord for He alone is worthy to be praised! May the Lord goodness continue to rest upon you and cause your will to be lost in His to continue serving with your whole heart to bring Him glory. Safe travel as you return to your various destinations!
    Blessings of the Lord God be upon you all!

  24. Rev. Shirley Wilkins

    We are flowing in the Apostolic, therefore the supernatural becomes natural. There is a fresh anointing upon this team, with unity, power and strength. Brazil Team, make a mark in this country shine and continue to shine. Spirit-filled Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God!

  25. Tyrian

    Brazil Team 2016 as you are traveling, think on those things God has used you for. As you showed and brought others into the Kingdom of God that is within you; that torch will be carried within those people now and forever. They will bring light to others they encounter as a revival has started there because of God using willing vessels (Brazil Team 2016). Looking forward to hearing the Great Testimonies! God has used you for The Great Commission!

  26. Evelyn

    King James Version John 15:1-8
    I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.

    As disciples of Christ, we were created to glorify God and show charity. We are the branches of the great vine, therefore we must show love and tell the world of His great love for us. Praise God through your teachings of God’s love and your having the spirit of the Lord within you that you will bear much fruit. Praise be t God for you!

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