Mt. Gilead is a very active ministry, and as you can imagine, requires many people to carry out the vision of the house. We believe that everyone has their own, unique, God-given gifts and talents to offer the body of Christ. Whether your gift is singing, dancing, ministering to children, interceding, drawing, writing poetry, connecting on social media or taking pictures and video, there is a place for you within our ministry.
We invite you to take a look at our ministries listed below to see where your gifts may be a good fit. Chances are, the opportunity you are looking for is also looking for you and your unique gifts! We look forward to hearing from you and seeing your ministry gifts unfold on one of our ministries.
Please select a ministry leader to view the individual ministries under their leadership:
Bishop Daniel Robertson, Jr.
- Intercessory Prayer
Co-Pastor Elena Robertson
- Music Ministry
- International Missions Ministry
- Décor Ministry
- Women of the Word (WOW)
- Stand out Society (SOS)
- Transformation Institute (TI)
Assistant Pastor Kenneth Mitchell
- Counseling
- Seed Time and Harvest Ministry
Pastor Daniel Robertson, III.
- Youth Ministry (GenSalve RVA)
Elder Angela Bailey
- Ministerial Team
Elder Wesley Nicholas
- Nursing Home Ministry
- Maintenance Ministry
- Wisdom Warriors
Elder Zelda Dugger
- Dance Ministry
- Anointed Hands
- Ministry of the Arts
Elder Ricky Flowers
- Parking Lot Ministry
- Security Ministry
- Substance Abuse Ministry
Elder Venus Flowers and Elder Candice Nicholas
- Dining Services
Elder Tracy Gore
- Follow-Up/Member Recruitment
- New Believers Ministry
Elder Sundra Johnson
- Economic Empowerment
- Transformation Center
Elder Calvin Jones
- Community Evangelism Outreach (CEO)
- Healing Hands Health Ministry
Elder Karen Kirby
- New Member Orientation
Elder Elzena Lynch
- Special Care
- Oil of Joy
- Just Support
Elder Wayne Lynch
- Transportation Ministry
- Ushers Ministry
- Altar Ministry
Elder Derrick Maye
- Media Services Ministry
- IT Ministry
Elder Kathryn Nelson
- We C.A.R.E.
- Deacons
- Member Relations
- Military Family Support
Elder Eric Thompson
- Evangelism
- Jail/Prison Ministry
- Special Forces Ministry
- Genesis 457 Pro-Life Ministry
- Operation Thunder
Elder Tony Whittingham
- Married Couples Ministry
- REIGN (Young Men’s Ministry)
- Men’s Ministry
- Greeters
Elder Delores Winfield
Minister Karen Ward
- Events and Planning
Minister Margie Mosley
- Community Outreach
Genesis 457 Pro-Life Ministry
Members of our ministry stand outside of abortion clinics and only have a matter of seconds to communicate with the men and women entering the clinics to gently convince mothers to preserve the lives of their unborn children. Due to the intensity associated with this ministry, volunteers are approved after an assessment and recommendation from the ministry’s overseer.
Altar Ministry
The Altar Ministry effectively ministers to respondents at the altar by laying cloths and distributing tissues. We work in conjunction with Bishop, other ministers and the Holy Spirit to receive the spiritual fruit of men, women and children who have acted upon the Word and the Presence of God. The members also assist in the ministry rooms after the altar call and travel to ministry appointments as needed.
Anointed Hands Ministry
The anointed hands of the members of this ministry are responsible for creating and maintaining praise dance attire and production costumes. Not only has the ministry been a great way to sharpen the members’ sewing skills, but their garments allow the glory of God to be manifest in color, movement and flow of these garments.
Audio Ministry
We operate the ministry’s sound system to ensure the overall quality and proper projection of sound at all times.
Community Evangelism Outreach (CEO)
Affectionately known as CEO, the Community Evangelism Outreach was birthed to mobilize members to take the Gospel to the streets. Our goal is to work with community organizations to minister hope, healing and restoration to those in need.
Culinary Ministry
Our members delicately prepare and serve food for before and after services, the Visitors Reception and special occasions.
Dance Ministry
We dance like nobody’s watching! The Dance Ministry includes pantomime, flag and banner, praise and worship dance, interpretive dance, hip-hop dance and crumping. Through these various forms of dance, we are able to spread the Gospel through radical expressions of praise and powerful worship. Auditions may be required.
Décor Ministry
This ministry helps beautify the interior of the church through interior design and decorating, creating just the right themes and ambiance for a special events and creating floral arrangements. If you have an eye for design, color schemes or creating the right atmosphere for events, your talents will go a long way on this ministry.
Economic Empowerment Ministry (EEM)
We provide resources to support the career advancement and financial status of members and the community. One of the unique features of our ministry is that we conduct workshops, seminars and networking events with help from our community partnerships on behalf of our members. If you are looking for a job or need assistance with your résumé, we are the ministry to visit. We also host business-to-business networking events, maintain a job bank and host a biannual job fair.
Evangelism Ministry
Members of the Evangelism Ministry are passionate about seeking lost souls, openly sharing the Word of God and leading others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We utilize a variety evangelistic tools and opportunities to win lost souls to the Body of Christ.
Events and Planning Ministry
We have the distinct honor coordinating and planning the use of our facility for internal and external weddings, receptions, banquets, meetings and conferences. The Events and Planning Coordinator is also the point of contact for scheduling baptisms, baby dedications, Holy Communion and New Member Orientation.
Focus on Identity (F.O.I.) Ministry
The “Focus on Identity” Ministry is an inner healing ministry which helps individual identify the root causes of brokenness in their lives that have resulted in destructive strongholds. The Ministry Team, which consists of the Program Coordinator and both male and female facilitators, works with individuals under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring lasting healing to the emotional, psychological, and physical wounds caused by their sins, the sins of others against them, generational curses passed down from their ancestors, trauma, or the work of the kingdom of darkness. The program currently operating under the “Focus on Identity” Ministry is “Cross Current.” This is an eight-week inner healing program. Cross Current is open to members of Mt. Gilead as well as non-members. It is available to both men and women who are 18 years old or older.
Greeters Ministry
Ready to greet you with a smile, we provide a warm and inviting presence for everyone who enters the doors of the church. Greeters are also available to assist members and visitors with directions to various parts of the church or to the location of special registration tables in the Grand Concourse.
GenSalve Mature (GS-MA)
GenSalve Mature provides training for young adults ages 18-39. We train young men and women to be leaders and give them Biblical and practical tools to be able to prosper in every area of their daily lives.
Healing Hands Health Ministry
Members of this ministry are trained to minister to the whole person including a person’s physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. We promote healthy living and provide information on various health topics. All Healing Hands Healthy Ministry members are required to be CPR and First Aid certified.
Human Trafficking Ministry The Human Trafficking ministry at Mt. Gilead, seeks to love, rescue, and restore people to their Godly position, through the teaching of God’s word, outreach, and human services. We are advocates against human trafficking, sexual slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, and forced labor. With prayer and the truth of God’s word, we seek to free those who are bound, and expose the enemy, and his lies-to set captives free according to Isaiah 61:1
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
With an unwavering conviction of the power of prayer, the Intercessory Prayer Ministry intercedes for the ministry, our leadership, members, visitors and our ministry goals and objectives.
International Missions Ministry (IMM)
This ministry provides support to missionaries before they head out to the mission field. An essential function of this ministry is to keep family members connected while their loved ones are on the mission field. Whether providing trip updates on Facebook, Twitter or by other means, the IMM team is working behind the scenes to get the job done. The IMM team also helps coordinate travel arrangements, prepares trip itineraries and facilitates training sessions. But, we don’t stop there. We not only travel to other countries to reach those of other nationalities, but we also reach those of other nationalities who are a part of our local body. We embrace the differences of others and aim to make their transition into a new church home a great experience.
Jail/Prison Ministry
We minister the Word of God to men and women who are confined to correctional facilities. Ministry members place special emphasis on the power of intercession and encourage inmates to develop and strengthen their relationships with God. To serve on this ministry, members must be released by Assistant Pastor and meet specific requirements in order to be admitted into the correctional facilities.
Just Support
We provide encouragement to women and families affected by cancer.
Lighting Ministry
If you see strobe lights in the sanctuary, then you know we are in operation. The Lighting Ministry operates our theatrical lighting system during service and during special events.
Maintenance Ministry
This ministry plays a critical role in maintaining the overall appearance of the building. The Maintenance Ministry is responsible for keeping all areas of the facility clean and maintained in excellence. Ministry members are busy cleaning the facility before, during and after worship services and special events to ensure an enjoyable worship experience for all.
Marriage Ministry
Mt. Gilead’s Marriage Ministry seeks to encourage and strengthen marriages through ministry events, fellowships and annual conferences.
Media Services Ministry
Our Media Services Ministry is one of the many creative ministries in the church. We create multimedia slides for song lyrics and scripture verses to be displayed on the jumbotrons during worship service. We also play video presentations including infomercials, announcements, and our MGTV Feature Stories.
Member Retention
Our Member Retention ministry maintains direct contact with members to ensure that their ministry needs are heard and addressed.
Men’s Ministry
With a focus on ministering to the whole man; spirit, soul and body, Mt. Gilead’s Men’s Ministry actively seeks to encourage men to be the mighty men of valor. Through fellowships, outings and conferences, men of all ages are encouraged to develop and strengthen their relationships with God, their family and the community.
Mind of Christ Ministry
The Mind of Christ Ministry is a mental health support ministry designed to help individuals and their families affected by mental illness or mental challenges, obtain love, support, and discipleship. Our goal is to help them live in the peace of God and have the abundant life by ministering to the whole person: spirit, soul, and body, as well as emotionally, socially, and financially.
Ministerial Team
Mt. Gilead’s Ministerial team provides individual ministry to those who come to the altar in response to the invitation for salvation, rededication, baptism of the Holy Spirit or membership.
Ministry of the Arts
This creative and dynamic ministry uses various forms of dramatic interpretation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Drama is very engaging and can sometimes communicate more than language alone. The Ministry of Performing arts has participated in engagements ranging from The City of Richmond’s Annual Christmas Parade, mall Holiday events, conferences and community events. Auditions may be required.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry is an integral part of our worship experience and has an awesome assignment to usher us into the presence of God. This ministry is comprised of the Adult Choir, Youth Choir and Praise and Worship teams.
My Sisters’ Keeper – Single Moms Ministry
This ministry provides encouragement and support to single mothers. We offer fellowship, open discussion, and resources on parenting, finances, health and wellness. Connect with this group of amazing women as they meet regularly to encourage one another and share testimonies of God’s greatness in their families.
New Believers
If you have accepted Christ for the first time and become a member we want to stay in contact with you. One of our team members will call you regularly as a way to support and encourage you as you develop your relationship with God.
New Member Orientation Ministry
This ministry facilitates orientation classes for all new members. During one of the classes, Bishop and Co-Pastor will have a chance to address class and provide teaching specifically designed for our new members.
Nursing Home Ministry
Our ministry reaches out and ministers to residents of nursing homes and retirement facilities. By ministering the Word of God, we are able to meet their spiritual needs as well as provide companionship during our visits.
Operation Thunder
This ministry carries out local mission work across central Virginia. Through monthly outreaches, we provide food, water, care packages, and other assistance to families in need.
Parking Lot Ministry
We direct parking on Sundays and Wednesdays to make your visit a safe and convenient experience. To do this, we direct the flow of cars as they enter and exit our grounds.
Photography Ministry
You may see us up close and personal during service. We are responsible for capturing ministry activities and special events for the website and printed material.
R.A.R.E. Jewels
We cater to women and children overcoming domestic violence, separation, divorce, or domestic violence.
Security Ministry
The Security Ministry is responsible for serving and protecting Bishop, Co-Pastor and all members and visitors against potential danger or threats. Team members serve during all services and special events both at and away from Mt. Gilead.
SOS (Stand Out Society) Sisters
This ministry supports our young ladies, ranging from elementary to high school. These groups host Meet-Ups throughout the year, encouraging girls to know their royal identity in Christ:
SOS Elementary Ministry for Elementary school age girls
SOS Middle Ministry for Middle school age girls
SOS High Ministry for High school age girls
Special Care Ministry
Our Special Care Ministry provides prayer, visitation, communion and ministry CDs to members and their immediate family who are bereaved, ill, hospitalized or in convalescent homes.
Special Events Task Force (SETF)
We coordinate the setup and breakdown of rooms, space and or furnishings for special events including weddings, receptions, banquets, meetings and conferences. Due to the unique needs of this ministry, SETF members are selected and appointed.
Special Forces Ministry
This ministry takes a radical approach to sharing the Gospel by going into some of the most undesirable places all over the Greater Richmond area. Members of the Special Forces Ministry minister outside of night clubs, sports bars, street corners and in communities plagued with drugs and violence. Due to the extreme nature of this ministry, volunteers are approved after an assessment and recommendation from the ministry’s overseer.
Substance Abuse Ministry
The Substance Abuse Ministry, known as Kingdom Overcomers, provides support, prayer and compassion for those who are struggling with addiction. We also encourage the family, friends and loved ones who deal with co-dependency to become actively involved as well, so the entire family receives ministry.
In a faith-based environment, we provide practical teaching of the Word of God to help individuals overcome addiction. Members who have overcome addiction share their stories as testimonies to the power of God. Meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Monday at Mt. Gilead beginning at 6:30 p.m. Members and non-members are welcomed to attend.
Transformation Center
Through the Transformation Center Bookstore, we provide quality books and resources for members and visitors to further their spiritual and personal development. Open before and after service, our bookstores have something for the entire family.
Transformation Institute
Transformation Institute has been established to offer training that goes far beyond the delivery of information. Our courses lead to true transformation of students through Spirit-driven instruction based on fresh revelation from the Word of God. These classes empowers students to be impactful disciples of Jesus Christ in their home, church, and community.
Transportation Ministry
You may see the ministry’s van, luxury coach or mini-coach on the road. The Transportation Ministry is very active in providing transportation to and from worship services and events for both members and visitors. We do, however emphasize safety and require special screening to become a part of this ministry.
The Treasure Wythe Inn
The Treasure Wythe Inn homes are Christ-centered, transitional homes which provide a safe haven for women and their children.
Ushers Ministry
Most people remember the ushers that show them to their seats, especially if they are greeted with a smile. Our ushers welcome worshippers into the sanctuary, direct them to available seats and provide general instructions to those in the sanctuary. We hand out visitor packets, tithes and offering envelopes, lap cloths, tissues and other items to make your time with us enjoyable and as convenient as possible. Team members follow a dress code to provide a uniform appearance.
Video Ministry
The Video Ministry operates our HD video cameras and equipment used to record our worship service and special events.
Visitor Follow-Up
Our Visitor Follow-up Ministry contacts all visitors to answer questions they may have about their spiritual lives, the church or ministry activities.
We C.A.R.E.
We Courteously-Assisting, Relating and Empowering (C.A.R.E.) – Our ministry goes the extra mile by showing a standard of excellence and caring for members and visitors. We also strive to improve the communication between the different levels of our organization by making information readily accessible by using various means.
Wisdom Warriors
Reaching out to Mt. Gilead’s seasoned saints, the Wisdom Warriors are responsible for ministry events and fellowships for those who are 60 years of age and older.
Women of the Word (WOW)
Founded by Co-Pastor Elena, WOW’s mission is to effectively minister to and reach women of all ages. During a WOW Fellowship, speakers impart from their heart in a way which transforms women’s lives. This transparency allows women to overcome obstacles and take off certain “masks” which can hide their treasure within. Women also enjoy HelpMeet Impartations for wives and WOW conferences which are designed to minister to the total woman; spirit, soul and body.
Women Human Services
We offer guidance and available resources to women and their children transitioning through crisis.
Young Men’s Ministry (R.E.I.G.N.)
This ministry was created to mentor young men ages 10-18. It is designed to fill the gaps in young men’s day-to-day lives that they themselves would not otherwise be able to fill. The goal of the program is to provide them with solid direction, advice, guidance, leadership and Biblical insight. We involve ourselves in the lives outside of our weekly services and focus on issues that affect them the most.
Youth Ministry
Children from newborn to middle school experience their own worship service including praise & worship and an impartation of the truth on a level they can understand. This ministry includes our sign-in team, Kid Check, as well as GenSalve RVA, a bi-monthly gathering of middle and high school students.