Harlem 2016 Missionaries


Harlem is a melting pot of many Nations.

The Team has departed for New York, our Samaria to proclaim the Good News of what Jesus has made available to mankind.

Evangelists from many locations will converge on New York, ready to partner with God and bring in the Harvest.

Is it possible that the Nations have come to America, to receive the promise of Heaven on Earth…

Pray for the Team as they flow “Full to Full” and GO in the Divine Order of GOD!



This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Kimberling Evans

    Glory to God!

  2. Gayle Nicholas

    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!! We are here safe and we’ve hit the ground running!! Today we had orientation. The Holy Spirit came in and TOOK IT OVER!! Our Father rained His Glory upon us and the room was lit on FIRE!! Healing, deliverance, strength, joy, peace…. You name it and was released in that room!! For this we honor The Lord!!

    During the prayer walk we were able to pray for those we came in contact with! Salvation, Re-Dedication,and prayer for healing were areas we ministered.

    The enemy is already defeated tomorrow and will are violently taking the kingdom for God by force in the Holy Spirit! He will do it through us!! THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!

    Stay tuned for more!!! Hallelujah!!!

  3. Gayle Nicholas

    Missionaries getting it in For Christ!! Just finished prayer walk!! Those streets are saturated with the Glory Of God!!! Where the soles of our feet trod, God gave it to us! As people walk by, the Holy Spirit is going to make them shake their head because He will be speaking to them about CHANGE!!! Our GOD Is Awesome!!!!

  4. Chiquita Burroughs

    Praying and thanking GOD for you Harlem Missionaries as GOD uses you mightily for HIS glory! Hallelujah!

  5. Gayle Nicholas



  6. Derrick Jack

    Operation Spiritual Thunder in Harlem NY, are taking what the have learned to the streets.

  7. Gayle Nicholas

    We are on the way to win a fixed fight! Operation Spiritual Thunder 2016!

  8. Rev. Doris - Shalom Outreach

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. The team arrived safely in New York Thursday afternoon, many well rested from the ride. After our orientation and room assignments we dined sufficiently in a nearby restaurant.

    The team has already prepared for the journey to Harlem, where we will be in training for several hours. Please pray that the team will remain focused on our task and The Lord will get all the glory.

  9. Rev. Doris - Shalom Outreach

    What a glorious day in The Lord!

    We began our power-packed day this morning during our morning devotion. We were reminded how important and how necessary synergy is to the success of our assignments. Following our morning devotion, we headed to the subway to Bethel Gospel Assembly where we initially met with staff there to review the assignment,

    What was supposed to be a training session with Pastor Wendy Trott ended up being mighty move of God. She released out of her spirit with power, Holy Ghost came in and began a great work of deliverance. Following her two other ministers came under the same anointing and called out healing and deliverance for our team. Individual members where slain under the power of the Holy Ghost , weeping and healing came forth Like only God could do. (HALLELUJAH).

    We then moved forward into the city on our prayer walk. Still in partnership with Bethel church we split into 3 individual teams and went in separate directions. The prayer walk then turned into ministry and teams came back with testimonies of salvation and souls won for the Kingdom. Next, the team reconvened at Minister Tressi and her husband’s home; they faithfully served the team food and we all rested in fellowship together.

    On the subway going back to N.Y.S.U.M the Lord continued to move heavily… members of the team interceded while one team member led a Muslim man to Christ.

    The team is back and resting now, preparing for the harvest tomorrow. We solicit your prayers
    as we, too, are in agreement that many people will hear and answer the call of salvation during Operation Spiritual Thunder.


  10. Ashaunti Nelson

    Team Harlem for team Jesus, taking territories for God! We love you and are praying for you!

  11. Lorraine Hudson

    Praying God will continue to bless all the Harlem Missionaries as they advance, pursue and take territories in New York. You have “VICTORY” we walk by “FAITH” and we “USE AUTHORITY” because “WE ARE VICTORIOUS” In Jesus name!!!!. Hallelujah!!!

  12. Gayle Nicholas

    My my my!! 110 souls and counting received the Lord Jesus Christ today!! Muslims converted, dope fiends delivered, alcoholics set free, bodies healed and more! The Lord used the team Operation Spiritual Thunder in a powerful way!! Every place that our soles trodden, the Lord gave it to us! Even on our down time, people were led to Christ and/or prayed for!! What a mighty God we serve!

    Harlem will never be the same never ever again!

    2016 (not 2017) Harlem NY Missionaries!!!!


  13. Rev. Crews - Team Lead Shalom

    Praise The Lord Everybody,

    We greet you with the joy of Jesus Christ, our soon coming King. Our day started with devotion at 6:30 a.m., following our powerful devotion period we hit the ground running in the direction of Bethel Gospel Assembly for our participation in Operation Spiritual Thunder.

    Our team was assigned to minister in 14 different groups on street corners in Harlem, New York for three hours. Following our time on the hot street corners, the team reported back to Bethel for our victory rally. At the rally it was reported 110 people made the decision to receive Jesus.

    At the victory rally celebration, we joined in singing songs of praise, Mt. Gilead’s praise dancers ministered, and several gave testimonies of what they experienced on the streets. The victory rally closed with prayer for our nation as well as the community of people that gathered in Marcus Garvey Park, which is directly a crossed the street from Bethel, for a picnic for the lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender community. During the prayer, the Holy Spirit led many of us to cross the street and draw near to the people and pray for them. One young man that we ministered to, who was not a part of that community, gave his heart to the Lord….PTL.

    As you may know the team was on fire for the Lord as we traveled via subway to Brooklyn for dinner. After dinner we traveled back to Long Island City crossing the Brooklyn Bridge on foot. The team continued to use every opportunity to minister salvation to those who desired a relationship with Jesus, even on the Brooklyn Bridge.

    We arrived at NYSUM, were we are lodging, tired, but joyful, delighted and honored that we got the chance to minister along side of Jesus. We are excited to see where Jesus will lead us next. Please continue to pray that God’s hands will be on this team,

    Because of The Cross,

  14. Jackie Robinson

    May God use you mightily to salt the territory of Harlem! Fear not; for God is with you and has equipped you for times like these.

  15. Elder Gail Outlaw (ALCOD)

    Good morning Harlem team! God is up to something and He’s doing it through you. Now may His peace and dunamus power work through you all as He will that it may glorify Him. May He keep you all with one mind, one purpose, and one goal Kingdom business winning the lost of souls, and restoration to all those who will receive!

  16. Sandie C. Driskell

    112 Souls gave their lives to Christ for the Kingdom of God during Operation Spiritual Thunder in Harlem New York!! Hallelujah!!

  17. Gayle Nicholas

    After praying and laying hands on this young man, the Lord did the miraculous! At first the man felt he wasn’t worthy enough to accept Christ. He had almost been murdered the night before! He had stitches from the top of his ear to the bottom where he was stabbed! How tragic that could have been! The Harlem team was right on the scene and as a result, this man will NEVER be the same again!!! Now this…….was an encounter with the Lord for this young man! Shout GLORY!!!!!!! Come on saints, Praise Him for this miracle!! Praise Him!!!

  18. Rev. Shirley Wilkins

    Mission accomplished! Foot soldiers for the Kingdom of God! This team as Kimberly Evans said is, “The Wind of the Holy Spirit,” a mighty rushing wind through all the Boroughs of New York City! This team is “fortified” within, which makes them strong, and mighty! May the Glory of the Lord continue to flow through you all!

  19. Kimberly Evans

    We are back! There is POWER in the name of JESUS! God showed up in New York!!! Harlem was the focal point but others cities received the overflow of God’s anointing. Team Evans loves the Harlem 2016 team!

  20. Rev. Doris - Leader Shalom Outreach


    Thank you prayer angels for keeping the 2016 OST Team in prayer. We felt your prayers and all that was accomplished is added to your account in heaven. We would like to share with you the highlights of the last two days of the mission.

    Monday, July 25, 2016

    We experienced another mighty move of the Holy Spirit in our morning devotion. Fourteen young adult members of the team delivered the word of God in their own special way. They were given two minutes to minister one of the following words as their focus: Potter, Process, Prophet, Preparation, Pride, Press, Potential, Pain, Pour, Preserve, Possibilities, Prize, Power, and Purpose. The word was rich and powerful. We thank The Lord for the way which He moved in them, this was indeed an anointed session. We had CHURCH.

    Following our devotional period, the team headed for Time Square for sightseeing, visiting Madison Square Garden, shopping, etc. After dinner we headed back to NYSUM. The team took advantage of every ministry opportunity available. Once again team members witnessed to people in the subway and two people received salvation (PTL!!!).

    Tuesday, July 26, 2016 – Mission Accomplished

    Today was a day of thanksgiving, reflection, and determination. Today we express our thanks to The Lord for the opportunity to be used by Him; we look back and reflect on the movement of the Holy Spirit, how He picked 30 people from four states (Virginia, Florida, Georgia and Maryland) to be a part of what He is doing in the earth. We are more determined than ever to promote the Gospel by reaching out to people who do not know Jesus.

    Again we are so grateful for the movement of the Holy Spirit during our time in New York and we give God all the glory, for He has done great things in the lives of so many people. During this mission we partnered with Bethel Gospel Assembly (our host church) and several other churches in New York which resulted in 133 people receiving Jesus and close to 500 lives being touched by prayer and encouragement. None of this would not have happened without God. We give Him all the credit.

    Continue praying…..change comes as a result of someone praying. Thank you.

    Because of His Sacrifices,

    Rev. Doris Crews

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