Kenya 2016 Missionaries

Praise GOD for a new line of Missionaries that will depart for the African continent, to the Country of Kenya.
Mombasa the Missionaries place of service, will receive medical and evangelistic ministry.
Pray for this Team as they go forth to introduce Muslims and other Peoples of that great nation, to the Great Physician.
We await the reports of miracles, signs and wonders; the greatest miracle, being that of salvation.


This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Jackie Robinson

    Hallelujah! Another day’s journey to win souls and enlarge our territory. May God continue to bless you and empower you to do great things. Be led by the Holy Spirit and do not be afraid of the power that is within you.

  2. Jimmy Ellis

    The Kenya Missionary Team just landed in Mombasa, Kenya! All is well! Glory to God!

  3. Manga

    Bwana Asifiwe!! (Translation:) Praise GOD!!

  4. Minister Janice Bishop

    Praise God, he is faithful. I already know the blessings are on the ground for the Kenya Team. You are well able to take the territory and to fulfill the assignment ahead. Thank you for being anointed representatives for the Kingdom of God.
    Go Forth mighty men and women of God, don’t hold back anything. Walk in the supernatural and watch God do tremendous miracles.

  5. Kimberly Evans

    Praise God! God forth with Power and Authority!

  6. Shalom Outreach

    Greetings from the Mission Field,

    We are so excited to be back on the mission field of Mombasa, Kenya again this year. The team is joined by three medical personnel from Ethiopia as well as 20 young adults from Nairobi who will assist with translating the Gospel.

    During our morning devotion, we experienced a mighty move of God. Our topic was “Forgiveness” led by Pastor Julian Dangerfield, taken from Psalm 51. Following devotions the team traveled to our medical camp location to begin to plan the layout of the camp to receive our many patients for the next two days. We also spent time walking around the camp grounds praying that God will cover the grounds and send forth His healing power that many people will be healed by His power. We all KNOW, with God all things are possible.

    At this moment the team is busy putting up signs that will direct the patients to the various doctors and preparing a place for our spa for ladies and young girls.

  7. Henok

    Hallelujah!!! am in
    I am from “Ethiopia” A good neighbor of Kenya with Dr Syoum and Abrham we are medical professional in Ethiopia and it is God’s miracle we made it here, to Him be The Glory and Honor AMEN!

    1. Wendy Brooks

      Henok a.k.a. “Enoch” – what a blessing it was to co-labor on God’s Kenya Medical Mission with you, Dr. Syoum, and Abraham. We all flowed as “One” in Him just as God created us to do – to ensure His Kingdom would manifest on earth as it is in Heaven.

  8. Jimmy Ellis & Wendy Brooks

    The first day of arrival in Mombasa, Kenya we could already sense this missions experience was going to be an extra special encounter with God! On our plane from Ethiopia to Mombasa, we were joined by three Ethiopian medical professionals: Doctor Enoch Tibelau, a Specialist in Midwifery; Doctor Syoum who is a General Surgeon; and a pharmacist named Abraham Bogal. These three men of God shared their testimonies about the goodness of God in their lives and how happy they were to join us on this medical mission!

    As we began our second day, the team learned an Ethiopian praise and worship song. Interestingly, we were led in praise and worship by “Abraham” the Pharmacist! The song he taught us is, “Harrah Re When Gay La Harrah Re May (In Kenya; In Virginia; etc). The words mean, “the Gospel will be preached “In Kenya” and around the world. Afterwards, Pastor Julian Dangerfield led us with devotion on “forgiveness.” Some key points from Pastor Julian:
    *God forces us on one another so we can learn to work with each other’s frailties.
    *With forgiveness, you forgive and release a person on that particular situation or thing once and for all.
    *It’s also about forgiving ourselves.
    Pastor Julian highlighted scripture readings from Psalms 51: 5-6; 1 John 1: 8-9; and Matthew 6: 10-15.
    The Nairobi Missionaries also joined us in devotion! We could see God’s team truly coming together as One!

    We had our first visit to the medical camp location, where we prayer walked and strategized with the flow of the Holy Spirit! Tomorrow, will be our first day for the medical camp, so we can continue doing God’s Work, for His Glory!!!

  9. Shalom Outreach

    Reporting From the Mission Field of Mombasa, Kenya,

    Praise The Lord Everybody,

    We are excited about the move of God on the mission field today. Our day started with our morning devotion with our brothers and sisters from Ethiopia and Kenya. Once again we experienced cross cultural praise and worship as one people lifting up the name of Jesus.

    This was our first day of the medical camp. We were met on the medical camp grounds with many people ready to see the doctors for free medical examinations. The day was most successful thanks to the teamwork and the efforts of all the people involved. Over 450 received medical treatment and 35 people received salvation. We are expecting more people tomorrow as the words is spreading throughout the community that we are here to serve them.

  10. Jimmy Ellis

    On the third day, The Medical Missions Camp opened to provide medical care to the people. In fact, there were crowds of people gathered around when we arrived at the site. After Pastor Julian prayed over all the missionaries and other volunteers, we headed to our assigned areas. There were 402 people seen today, consisting of men, women, and children. Their were medical personnel ranging from general medicine to special medical needs for men, women and children.

    Doctor Anthony Puller (Dentistry) and three other dentists treated about 75 people, primarily for dental extractions. Fortunately, one of the dentists was local and received several referrals for dental care beyond the scope of practice at the medical camp.

    At least 6 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior during the time they were waiting for and/or receiving medical care (1 in the SPA Area; 2 in Area where clothes were handed out; 3 during and after Registration)!

    During the Evangelism, the missionaries were divided into “8” teams. Two of the teams stayed at the camp site and six teams went out into the neighborhood to minister and share the Good News with the people. There were 29 people saved, two of which were Muslim! Many of those that were saved said they would come and be baptized! Hallelujah!!!

    What a day of Victory for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! A total of 35 people were saved the first day! Guess what? This is just the beginning! Stay tuned!!!

  11. Shalom Outreach - Pastor Julian & Rev. Doris

    This message is on behalf of Pastor Julian Dangerfield:

    Wow!!! What an awesome day at our medical camp.

    First we thank God for the opportunity to be used of Him. Following our international devotional session we journeyed to the medical camp ground where we were met by number of patients waiting to receive medical attention. It is our practice to have devotions on the camp grounds before patients are seen.

    At the conclusion of our devotion and brief meeting, the line was opened to receive our patients. The evangelism team headed for their assignments in the nearby communities. They met many people and had the opportunity to lead many people to The Lord. One team member had the opportunity to witness to a family of 11 people. All made the decision to follow Jesus and four were baptized this afternoon in the Indian Ocean.

    At the conclusion of the day:

    676 people received medical attention

    11 people were baptized

    While the patients waited for their prescriptions to be filled, members of the evangelism team were stationed in that area to pray for those who desired to be prayed for. Over 500 people were prayed for and reminded who the true Healer is.

    The team is now resting from a long day, but excited to be used on Saturday as the medical camp continues. Please continue to pray for our protection, our provisions, our stamina as we continue the work of The Lord.

  12. Amie Carter

    Glory to God for what amazing things he is doing through the #Kenya2016 team!! Continue to reflect the light of Jesus Christ every where you go!!

  13. Jimmy Ellis

    On Day 5, we concluded three days of medical evaluations and treatments at the medical camp. There were a total of 1,504 people seen during the camp! The medical needs ranged from general body discomfort to a women who septic and required immediate medical attention at a local hospital. Even though we came to bless others by providing medical care to them, we were blessed by their sincere humbleness, kindness and appreciation for what we were doing!

    The Evangelism Team revealed God’s mighty work at well. There were 120 souls saved, with 7 of those being Muslims. There were 21 people baptized in the Indian Ocean! All in all, it has been great for the Kingdom! Glory be to God in the highest!!!!

  14. Jimmy Ellis & Wendy Brooks

    On Sunday morning, the missions team was divided into 4 different ministry teams and we were sent out to spread the Gospel at 4 different ministries in Mombasa. Even though we poured out to the various congregations, we in turn were poured back into in a powerful way.

    There are many amazing testimonies of God’s glory forthcoming which will be shared with the ministry.

    Then on Sunday, we were treated to a Praise & Worship encounter at Nyali Baptist Church to culminate the evening and the conclusion of the Medical Mission Camp.

    What an experience this had been! We are sure our lives will never be the same! We give all the Glory, Honor, & Praise to the Most High God!


  15. Josandra Faniel

    Praise God for the Wonderful & Powerful work He’s doing in Mombasa! Glory to God!!

  16. Min Abraham

    Glory To God!! I pray that God will strengthen you and y’all will finish strong in the Lord so He can get all the GLORY!!! Praying for y’all. Have fun and enjoy life as you take care of God’s business.
    Much Love, Min Abraham

  17. International Missions Ministry

    Bless God the team has arrived home safely and are in good spirits! Praise reports coming…

  18. Wendy Brooks

    What a tremendous honor and blessing it was to serve on this year’s Kenya Medical Mission team. God gets all the Glory, Honor, & Praise for this entire trip! Thank you to all who have prayed and interceded for us before and during the mission. We pray multiplied blessings to each and every one of you, and even to those who continue to keep the team lifted as we return to the U.S.

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