Bishop Robertson is known for his provocative and gripping preaching/teaching style, but in his latest project, he conveys the Word of God in yet another powerful way. Excerpts from his most powerful messages are selected and recorded with powerful and creative effects. This CD is guaranteed to change the way you hear the Word of God!
Bishop Robertson approaches the topic of leadership from the perspective of “Coaching.” He expounds on the importance of recognizing and sharpening the gifts in those you are leading and how critical this is to having a winning team.
Bishop Daniel Robertson, Jr. has done it again with his latest release entitled, Fit for a King. This amazing tool for the Body of Christ will show you how to genuinely demonstrate to the world that we serve an excellent God. Whether you play a part in hosting a conference or hosting a family reunion, Fit for a King will…
God’s anointing flows from the top downward, but we must know how to tap into that anointing. We also have to understand that we must be connected to an anointed man or woman of God and that this connection will determine whether the hand of God is opened or closed in our lives. Bishop Robertson clearly lays out God’s established…
La unción de Dios fluye desde la parte superior hacia abajo, pero debemos saber cómo aprovechar esa unción. También tenemos que entender que debemos estar conectados a un hombre o mujer ungido de Dios, y que esta conexión permitirá determinar si la mano de Dios está abierto o cerrado en nuestras vidas. Obispo Robertson dispone claramente que Dios estableció el…
In this book, Bishop Daniel Robertson, Jr. shares golden nuggets about the importance of being connected to the right man or woman of God. Bishop Robertson shares from his heart the birthing of the season of the ridiculous. So we invite you to sit back and take a journey with this powerful author. We invite you to read powerful testimonies…